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  2. >Seminar and Workshop
  3. >2020(JFY)

Seminar and Workshop


Seminar on the Latest Trends in Chemical Substances Management in Russia and the EAEU
(Online Seminar)
(4 February 2021)

“Seminar on the Latest Trends in Chemical Substances Management in the Russia and EAEU” was held on 4th February 2021 with about 400 participants interested in chemical substances management. In this seminar, Ms. Natalia Druzhinina, deputy head of the Department of standardization of regulatory practices of CIS Center, Russia, and Ms. Olga Reshetar, senior expert of Chemical Safety Department of CIS Center, Russia, introduced the latest trends in chemical substances management policies in Russia and the EAEU.

Please see below for the program and the presentation materials.


Presentation 1 Technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union
≪On the Safety of Chemical Products≫
(TR EAEU 041/2017)

  Ms. Natalia Druzhinina
  Deputy head, Department of
  standardization of regulatory
  practices, CIS Center, Russia

Presentation 2 How to be ready for TR EAEU 041/2017, including SDS development under GOST 30333

  Ms. Olga Reshetar
  Senior expert, Chemical Safety
  Department, CIS Center, Russia


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Seminar on the Latest Trends in Chemical Substances Management in the EU
(Online Seminar)
(14 September 2020)

“Seminar on the Latest Trends in Chemical Substances Management in the EU” was held on 14th September 2020 with about 800 participants interested in chemical substances management. In this seminar, Mr. Jukka Malm, Deputy Executive Director of European Chemicals Agency(ECHA), and Dr. Sylvain Bintein, Environment DG of European Commission(EC), introduced the latest trends in chemical substances management policies in the EU.

Please see below for the program and the presentation materials.


Presentation 1 Latest Updates in Chemicals Management in the EU

  Mr. Jukka Malm
  Deputy Executive Director
  European Chemicals Agency

Presentation 2 European Union Policy on chemicals management in EU toward post-SAICM

  Dr. Sylvain Bintein
  Environment DG
  European Commission


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