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  2. >Seminar and Workshop
  3. >2010(JFY)

Seminar and Workshop

2010 (JFY)

Seminar on Recent Developments in TSCA Reform
(13 January 2011)

In this seminar, we invited an expert on chemical management from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide up-to-date information on the recent developments in Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Reform and the latest trends in the efforts to enhance management of chemicals in the US.


Presentation 1 Reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act PDF(2.6MB)
Presentation 2 Enhancing Implementation of the Toxic Substances Control Act PDF(3.2MB)

Speaker: Mr. Brian Symmes (Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention U.S. EPA)

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Open seminar on Chemicals management Policies
(9 September 2010)


Session 1 Current Trends of Chemicals Management Policies in CJK
1. Mr. GAO Yingxin
[Director, Chemical Registration Center of MEP, China]

Note: The presenter has been changed to Ms. ZANG Wenchao due to the certain reasons.

2. Mr. IKEMOTO Tadahiro
[Chemicals Evaluation Office, Environmental Health Department, Ministry of the Environment, Japan]
3. Ms. SIM Geunyeong
[Program Officer, Chemicals Management division, Ministry of Environment (MOE), Korea]
Session 2 Strategies for Responses to new POPs in CJK
1. Ms. GE Haihong
[Division of Hazard Chemical Management, Chemical Registration Center of MEP , China]
2. Mr. KOIWA Masayuki
[Chemicals Evaluation Office, Environmental Health Department, Ministry of the Environment, Japan]
3. Ms. KIM Suejin
[Senior Researcher, Risk Assessment Division, National Institute of Environmental Research, MOE, Korea]
Session 3 Good Practices of Chemicals Management in CJK
[GHS&Risk Labo]
PDF 1 (2.4MB)
PDF 2 (3.4MB)
2. Mr. CHO Samrae
[Director, Headquarter for Technical Service Division, Korea Chemicals Management Association (KCMA), Korea]
Session 4 Activities of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
1. Mr. NAKAZATO Taiji
[Director East Asia Division (China, Mongolia),East and Central Asia and the Caucasus Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency]

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