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Seminar and Workshop

2011 (JFY)

Seminar on Tips from 2010 Registration – Efficient Strategy for REACH registration in 2013/2018
(26 October 2011)


Part 1 REACH & CLP: New Developments in the EU PDF(1.2MB)
Part 2 REACH: Review, lessons learnt and recommendations PDF(4.7MB)
Part 3 CLP: Review, lessons learnt and recommendations PDF(2.2MB)

Speaker: Dr. Charlotte Krone and Dr. Werner Koehl, Scientific Consulting Company (SCC)

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Open seminar on Chemicals management Policies
(1 September 2011)


Session 1 Information exchange of Chemicals Management Policies
1. Ms. ZANG Wenchao
[Director, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China]

Note: The presenter has been changed to Ms. WANG Yizhe due to the certain reasons.

2. Ms. Keiko SEGAWA
[Chemicals Evaluation Office, Environmental Health Department, Ministry of the Environment, Japan]
3. Mr. SEO Hae-Yeop
[Deputy Director, Chemicals Management Division, Environmental Health Policy Office, Ministry of Environment]
Session 2 Information exchange of Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response
1. Mr. GAO Yingxin
[Director, Chemical Registration Center of MEP, China]
2. Mr. Masashi SHIMIZU
[Chemicals Evaluation Office, Environmental Health Department, Ministry of the Environment, Japan]
3. Mr. DOO Yong-Kyoon
[Deputy Director, Chemicals Registration & Evaluation Team, National Institute of Environmental Research]

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